Saturday, 13 April 2013

Good morning what will today bring.

I'm feeling quite tired today. I have just been for a walk around the garden and feel quite overwhelmed as there seems so much to do. Although I weeded the veg plots I noticed that they are sprouting again. Why is it that the weeds seem to grown quicker than anything else in the garden?. The garden rubbish pile seems to have grown. I know it hasn't and its probably because I'm tired but I'm beginning to wish I'd never started clearing it. I have separate piles of tree branches, palm tree branches and general twig.leaves and soil but now I'm not sure what to do with it. Rather than having a large pile of rubbish now I have separate piles all over the garden. Maybe I will put it all back against the wall in separate neat piles until we can have a fire. I'm a bit reluctant to start a fire because the weather is nice and I don't think that its fair on the neighbours. 
I've just heard on the news that there is a measles epidemic in Wales. I remember when I was a child during the late 1950's and 1960's all children had vaccinations for measles, mumps and chicken pox. Also our mums would take us to visit other children who were infected. Chicken pox was horrible and I recall having large itching spots and mum covering me in camomile lotion to stop me itching. During more recent times parents have been concerned about their children having inoculations and it seems less children are protected hence the epidemic. Apparently in America children are required to have their vaccinations before they can attend school, maybe the UK will follow we shall see.
Oh well I'm going to get anther cup of coffee and see if I can find some energy. Maybe I will have a rest today and play about with my knitting machine, I haven't touched it for a while. 
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take care 

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